Oceantic Network Congratulates Sunrise Wind On Final Construction Approval

The Oceantic Network, the leading organization working to advance offshore wind and other ocean renewable industries and their supply chains, celebrates Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) announcement that member-companies Eversource and Ørsted are approved to begin construction on Sunrise Wind offshore wind energy project. This afternoon, BOEM issued its final Record of Decision (ROD) authorizing construction of up to 84 turbines, enough to provide 924 MW of clean power generation. In February, the project secured an offtake agreement with the State of New York to deliver 924 MW, enough to power more than 320,000 homes. The federal government has now approved construction of seven commercial projects with a capacity exceeding 8,300 MW.  

This announcement comes on the heels of several advancements by BOEM in recent weeks, including commencement of environmental reviews for the Vineyard Northeast and Atlantic Shores North projects, designation of a final wind energy area in the Gulf of Maine, and proposal of a new offshore wind lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. Oceantic Network’s 2024 International Partnering Forum will provide critical insights on what these new announcements mean for the industry and give businesses the tools they need to find success in offshore wind. 

The following statement can be attributed to Liz Burdock, founder and CEO of Oceantic Network:  

“The Sunrise Wind project will continue to stimulate the domestic supply chain for offshore wind, including directly supporting shipbuilding in Louisiana and steel manufacturing in upstate New York. Oceantic Network has already identified more than 60 companies that have contributed to the project, and dozens are expected as this next phase of construction begins. This announcement, along with NYSERDA’s award of offtake for the project, are enabling offshore wind to thrive in the region and build momentum across the nation. The Network applauds this announcement, along with BOEM’s flurry of recent actions, for allowing the offshore wind industry to build a consistent supply chain and move projects from concept to reality.” 

Oceantic Network | https://oceantic.org/