Weatherproof safety canopy

GenTent Safety Canopies are weatherproof self-attaching covers for running portable and inverter generators safely in nearly any wet weather. Independently tested, GenTent is proven to withstand up to 70mph winds, rains up to 12 inches a day, and 18 inch snow loads. GenTent enables portable generators to be run well away from structures safely in rain and wet weather. With an easy to install 3-step process, GenTents self-attach to keep portable generators portable, with easy access for refueling and electrical outlet shielding from the elements to keep them dry. GenTent's patented weatherproofing approach allows generators to cool naturally, while exhaust fumes and heat are expelled safely. GenTents fit 98% of the portable generators and inverters in the market.

GenTent |

Volume: 2016 July/August