Structural steel canopies & carports

Structural steel canopies & introduces to its line of carports and canopies a no-weld, bolt-up structural steel canopy. The patent pending design is Division of the State Architect, pre-check approved (DSA). It’s suited for durability and ease of installation, decreasing time in the field for erection crews. The bolt-up system is structurally pre-engineered for loads that will withstand snow and wind. The galvanized finish provides the utmost in durability and weather resistance. Or, alternatively, select from a wide range of paint finishes for a custom project. PV panels connect easily to purlins and pre-wired electrical. SolarSupports is licensed and compliant with Cal/OSHA safety programs, state prevailing wage law, and project labor agreements. The canopy has a quick lead time, and can be shipped anywhere in North America. The canopy is ideal for commercial, industrial, or municipal projects. (a division of Campbell Certified, Inc.)

Volume: September/October 2011