Single axis tracker

Thompson Technology Industries (TTi) has developed a new generation of the Sunseeker Single Axis tracker. This new generation allows for increased height of the system and mounting on uneven surfaces while saving 10% to 15% on installation and maintenance costs. This tracker breaks TTi’s previous standards in the industry with the ability to drive even more panels in a slightly increased “footprint” over the previous generation. Output is increased without sacrificing energy production. With even fewer motors, operations, and maintenance is lower and the tracker does not require field welding for installation. Savings are realized by the option to pile drive the support posts, which is less expensive and quicker to install. The tracker now has the advantage that allows it to increase the height to 78" and still meet a windspeed of 90 mph with the panels at 45°. The tracker delivers faster installation than traditional cement foundations, and I-beams now come standard with purchase and priced into the tracker system cost.

As seen in: Solar Power International Show-in-Print
Volume: September/October 2010