Comprehensive weather station to maximize solar power plant performance

Vaisala’s Automatic Weather Station AWS810 Solar Edition delivers end-to-end weather and solar irradiation measurements and insights to optimize any stage of the solar power plant life cycle. The IEC-compliant weather station enables a combination of solar irradiance and key weather parameter measurements with optional advanced analytics and digital insights to optimize solar power plant performance and operational efficiency. The reliable and accurate weather station is flexible, smart, and can be easily configured to adapt to future needs. Rugged by design, the AWS810 Solar Edition is purpose-built to be trusted for a solar plant’s entire operational life span. AWS810 Solar Edition continuously measures global, diffuse, and reflected solar irradiation and all key weather parameters, including wind speed, wind direction, ambient and PV module temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. The rugged IEC 61724-1:2021-compliant design, remote diagnostics, and easy-to-deploy-and-use weather station requires minimal resources to set up, operate, and maintain throughout the solar power plant’s lifetime. Efficient self-diagnostic and network sensor monitoring enables users to manage and control networks remotely, while the solution’s extensive built-in data validation further improves the data quality and maintenance efficiency with end-to-end network management security. With its future-ready and modular design, the flexible weather station can easily expand to meet specific solar power plant needs, including seamless data connectivity with SCADA systems and cloud-based asset management platforms. Primed to go beyond the standard with the optional analytics and insights related to historical satellite-derived solar data, real-time lightning data, and solar energy forecasts.

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Volume: 2023 May/June