Flat roof PV structural design software 

clawOS is the centerpiece of PanelClaw’s digital solutions portfolio, programmed to accelerate project development throughout all phases of each project. The clawOS software is a cloud-based structural design platform with the power and sophistication to handle virtually any project using the clawFR mounting system. Developed specifically for flat roof PV projects, clawOS is a powerful and versatile racking design platform which accelerates the design, permit, and as-built process from days to minutes. PanelClaw developed clawOS as its in-house project management tool to meet the needs of their engineering, sales, and customer support departments. clawOS’ feature set includes individual point loads, multi-azimuth layouts and multi-rooftop capabilities, AutoCAD and Helioscope integration, a native layout engine, and a sophisticated wind and seismic engine. The cloud-based software allows for anytime, anywhere access to construction sets and calculation packages, with the ability to assess layout change impacts from the job site. A complete permit package can be generated in minutes, including supporting calculations, reference documents, pricing/BOM, and stamped engineering letters. 

PanelClaw | www.panelclaw.com


Volume: 2022 November/December