Fractal EMS and You.On Integrate Brazil's Largest BESS

Fractal EMS Inc (Fractal EMS) and You.On have completed the integration of Brazil's largest battery energy storage system (BESS). The BESS will discharge during high load periods and defer the cost of building an additional transmission line (non-wires alternative) by delivering power at the end of a congested line. Fractal EMS is equipment agnostic, You.On chose Kehua inverters paired with CATL liquid-cooled batteries. You.On was the system integrator and was selected through a competitive process. The project is located in Registro, Brazil and is owned by ISA CTEEP. The 30 MW / 60 MWh BESS will improve the resilience of the ISA owned transmission line and will reduce the need to import electricity from peaker plants. Fractal provided the controls, HMI, historian, networking and SCADA.

Daniel Crotzer, CEO of Fractal EMS, said: "The energy storage market in Brazil represents a significant growth opportunity. Brazil is the world's leader in renewable energy, battery storage could propel Brazil to 100% clean energy."

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