Electric vehicle charging station test adapter
The sol-ark FEV100 offers a comprehensive solution for testing the safety and performance of type 1, level 1, or level 2 electric vehicle AC charging stations (EVSEs). This test adapter accurately simulates the presence of an electric vehicle, enabling users to conduct thorough tests in conjunction with compatible instruments like digital multimeters or oscilloscopes. Whether verifying proper function post-installation, conducting routine maintenance checks, or troubleshooting issues with charge delivery, the FEV100 ensures reliable results. Its built-in safety features, including GFCI trip tests and PE grounding protection pre-tests, mitigate risks of electric shock, and ensure user protection. With the ability to perform various tests such as ground fault checks, insulation testing, and voltage measurements, all within a single adapter, the FEV100 offers simplicity and convenience while seamlessly integrating with the Fluke ecosystem of test and measurement tools. This eliminates the need to bring an electric vehicle onsite for troubleshooting, streamlining performance, and maintenance testing processes.
Fluke Corporation | www.fluke.com
Volume: 2024 March/April