Ampace Unveils Kunlun Series Energy Storage Solutions with Groundbreaking 15,000 Lifecycle at RE+

Xiamen Ampace Technology Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Ampace"), a pioneer in cutting-edge lithium battery research and innovation, has unveiled its Kunlun series ultra-long cycle life batteries with 15,000-cycle and an array of innovative energy storage solutions at RE+, the largest renewable energy exhibition in North America, held between September 11 and 14 in Las Vegas, USA. This debut offers a new answer to global carbon neutrality objectives and the emerging trends in Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), effectively tackling issues related to extended durability, robust safety, and superior returns.

The long-cycle cells hold significant value for global commercial & industrial and residential energy storage systems. It empowers commercial & industrial energy storage users in effectively keeping photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage system in the same pace and to enable greater benefits for residential energy users in VPP mode, overcoming the conventional battery lifespan limitations. During the RE+ exhibition, Ampace's Kunlun series ultra-long cycle life batteries with 15,000-cycle recently launched in China, has made their debut at RE+, a globally renowned industry platform. This achievement signifies an industry milestone, with both commercial & industrial energy storage, as well as residential energy storage batteries, now surpassing a remarkable 20-year lifespan. This accomplishment has garnered substantial attention from numerous industry experts in attendance

The Kunlun series ultra-long cycle life lithium batteries offer more than double the throughput of conventional cells, boasting a cycle life that exceeds 15,000 cycles, while maintaining over 80% SOH after 15,000 cycles and over 70% SOH after 20,000 cycles. This accomplishment also doubles the lifespan of lithium batteries in energy storage systems, aligning with the 20-year lifespan of photovoltaic equipment. It effectively addresses the concern of customers who would otherwise need to replace batteries during the operational phase of solar storage projects, resulting in a notable 30% reduction in overall lifecycle electricity costs. This breakthrough facilitates seamless adaptation for commercial & industrial energy storage users, allowing them to effectively match the lifespan of solar storage and handle multiple daily cycles, thereby meeting the challenges of new applications. Moreover, it empowers residential energy storage users to achieve greater returns in VPP mode, substantially enhancing the commercial value of energy storage products.

Exceptional Facility: Ampcombine 15,000-Cycle Long-Life Distributed Outdoor Battery Cabinet

Ampace has showcased a commercial & industrial distributed DC solution powered by Kunlun batteries during RE+. The company introduced a range of accompanying battery cabinets and modules based on the15,000-cycle long life cycle technology. Among these products, the much-anticipated Ampcombine distributed outdoor battery cabinet is a highlight. The Ampcombine offers a 15,000-cycle capability and comes with a 20-year warranty, perfectly aligning with the lifespan of photovoltaic equipment. Over the entire lifecycle, it achieves a remarkable 110% increase in throughput, resulting in a 30% reduction in electricity costs and a 30% boost in profitability.

In addition to its exceptional long-cycle performance, Ampcombine addresses the challenges faced by commercial & industrial energy storage users, encompassing safety, reliability, operational costs, flexibility, convenience, energy density, and intelligent integration.

Safety and Reliability

Ampcombine ensures safety by leveraging Ampace's 20 years of cell manufacturing experience and maintaining a PPB (part per billion)-level failure rate at the cell level. They incorporate various battery anomaly detection features, including BMS dual power supply redundancy design, leakage detection, lithium precipitation prevention, internal short circuit prevention, intelligent connection anomaly detection, and insulation safeguards. Additionally, they hold UL9540A energy storage system safety certification and NFPA855/NFPA68 fire design certification for Ampcombine products, providing an added layer of system-level safety assurance.

Flexibility and Convenience

Ampcombine utilizes an integrated design for its cabinets and modules. This design allows both modules and cabinets to be transported together, resulting in a 40% cost reduction compared to separate shipping. The straightforward module connection method eliminates the necessity for disassembly and reassembly, leading to over a 40% reduction in overall installation time and costs when compared to on-site installation. Additionally, Ampcombine offers support for various flexible layout options, including single-row, cabinet arrangement, and dispersed configurations.

High Energy Density

Ampcombine's high energy density allows for a compact cabinet occupying just 3 square meters of space, greatly enhancing ease of transport and installation.

Intelligent Integration

The intelligent IoT and data cloud platform functions enable retrospective monitoring of the battery's entire lifecycle operation. This cabinet also supports intelligent environmental monitoring and coordination with energy storage systems, including environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, door sensors, water immersion, smoke detection, and fire prevention.

Module Series

Ampace has introduced a new series of modules with a 15,000-cycle and 20-year service life to better meet customer needs for flexible customized cabinet products. This module series adopts a 10kwh, 50V, and standard 3U rack design, with a compact size, providing customers with a more flexible product foundation for assembling indoor and outdoor commercial & industrial storage cabinets.

Diverse Usage Scenarios Capturing the Market in the Global Energy Storage Sector

Zhu Yansong, the President of Ampace Energy Storage Division, stated: "Ampace has been deeply involved in the global energy storage market for many years. In the North American region, Ampace has already established a strong presence in multiple application scenarios including commercial & industrial energy storage, residential energy storage, UPS, and telecom energy storage systems. We have earned the trust and recognition of mainstream customer groups. In the future, we will continue to adhere to technological innovation and empower the global transformation of new energy, working collaboratively with our customers to create a brighter future for the industry."

In the global market, Ampace is pioneering significant breakthroughs in user-side energy storage, particularly in commercial & industrial energy storage and residential energy storage. The company is continually expanding into UPS and portable energy storage sectors. Its product range includes lithium iron phosphate, lithium manganese oxide, ternary system, and other chemical system cells, modules, battery racks/cells, as well as distributed outdoor energy storage systems. Ampace, in partnership with its collaborators, is pursuing a strategic blueprint for sustained growth in the global energy storage market, fostering mutually beneficial outcomes. At present, Ampace is a global leader in the worldwide residential energy storage sector, with its product footprint spanning several countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, Germany, the European Union, Australia and China.

Behind the accelerated expansion into the energy storage sector lies the support of a lithium battery giant's genes and profound technological expertise. Established as a joint venture between Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited (CATL) and Amperex Technology Limited (ATL), Ampace's formation is not only about a formidable collaboration in technology, resources, production, and services but also a strategic focus on the long-term development of medium-sized lithium batteries in three major areas: energy storage, micro- vehicles, and high-power products. In the future, Ampace will continue to dedicate itself to exploring the value of electric energy, emphasizing diversified energy solutions, and empowering a greener life with ultimate user experiences through green energy solutions.

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