CS Energy Receives Major Health and Safety Award

CS Energy, LLC, a leading integrated energy firm that designs and builds optimized projects in the solar, storage and emerging energy industries, is proud to announce that it has earned a Governor's Certificate in the 92nd Annual Governor's Occupational Safety and Health Awards Program in the company's home state of New Jersey. The Governor's Certificate is awarded to businesses for significant achievement in the prevention of occupational injuries during calendar year 2019.

CS Energy has participated in the state's safety and health program over the last four years, garnering increasingly more prestigious awards. This year the company earned the Governor's Certificate, which is given to companies that have earned four consecutive certificates from the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

"Safety is a cornerstone of CS Energy's culture, and we live it every day in our employee trainings, jobsite policies, and company-wide initiatives," shared Matthew Skidmore, CEO of CS Energy. "We are proud to receive the Governor's Certificate as it is an important milestone on our journey to grow and protect our workforce."

A construction firm's safety record is measured by the amount of employee injuries and lost time due to injuries and is monitored by OSHA as a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). CS Energy's TRIR is significantly below the industry average due to its strong safety culture, processes, and procedures. https://www.bls.gov/web/osh/summ1_00.htm

This is the 92nd year of the Governor's Occupational Safety and Health Awards Program. Since its inception in 1927, thousands of awards have been earned and the program has played an important role in promoting a safer and healthier workplace.

CS Energy | https://www.csenergy.com