MichBio Responds to Flawed University of Michigan Research Study on Biofuels and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MichBio, the biosciences industry association in Michigan, issued the following statement regarding the release of a University of Michigan research study that claims the rising use of biofuels in the U.S. has led to a net increase in carbon dioxide emissions associated with global warming.
Professor DeCicco's most recent, and flawed, study funded by the oil industry gives an inappropriate unearned carbon storage credit to the petroleum industry. The oil industry may have paid for the study, but they do not pay for carbon storage or carbon recycling. The biofuels industry, by comparison, does create an economic incentive to recycle carbon.
Professor DeCicco's modeling gives fossil fuels a credit for carbon storage from existing forests and agriculture. This inclusion is wholly inappropriate in a lifecycle model because there is no economic relationship between the fossil fuel industry and agriculture or forestry. Farmers do not plant crops to soak up carbon emissions from oil use; nor do forest owners preserve forests to store carbon emissions from oil use. DeCicco inappropriately argues that all carbon in the atmosphere is the same, so biofuels are the same as or worse than petroleum fuels. But biofuels provide a direct economic incentive to farmers and foresters to manage land and recycle carbon. The oil industry creates no such incentive.
Unfortunately, DeCicco simply built a model that gives him the answer he wants. No competent life cycle assessment assumes that biofuels are carbon neutral, only that the actual carbon content of the fuels came from the atmosphere in the first place and returns to the atmosphere when it is combusted. That much is simple chemistry, and without argument. For the rest of the biofuel life cycle, the question of carbon neutrality is very much a research question, not a decided issue as DeCicco would have one believe.
The independently funded Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory has demonstrated that conventional biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 34 percent over their lifecycle, while advanced biofuels can reduce emissions by 100 percent or more over conventional gasoline.
"It's unfortunate when scientists conduct research predicated on assumptions that lead to biased results, rather than conducting a truly independent analysis," said Stephen Rapundalo, PhD, President and CEO, MichBio. "Moreover, the Petroleum Institute's direct funding of the research calls into question any impartiality on the part of the research team and hence the study's conclusions."
In sum, this study is an attempt by the oil industry to smear the biofuels industry and stifle competition in the fuels market. It ignores the benefits of Michigan's homegrown biofuels industry, and if its conclusions were to be valid stands to hinder a potential economic driver for Michigan and the U.S.
MichBio | www.michbio.org