3 Hybrid BESS Projects for Sale (Solar, BESS, Hydrogen and Ammonia)

Fractal Advisory, on behalf of our client, invites reputable buyers to join the GoSolar-to-X process (the “Process”), a portfolio of three (3) hybrid PV+BESS to green hydrogen and green ammonia projects ("Project GoSolar-to-X"), located in Iowa, Missouri and Arizona, with slated In-Service Date of Q4 2026 - Q4 2027. High off-take potential. This is a limited time sale process. NBO Response deadline is 5pm ET on July 12, 2024. Interested buyers can contact Cyrus Etemadi ([email protected]) for the NDA and project details. 

Project A

Lee County, Iowa

PHASE 1 COD Q4 / 2026

207 MWdc / 185 MWac Solar PV

185 MW / (up to) 2,220 MWh BESS

37 MWdc Electrolyzer 

NH3 and NG Pipelines < 1mi

Water Rights Secured

Potential Industrial Off-takers Nearby
Data Center Option

Additional Phase 2 Planned

Project B

Marion County, Missouri

PHASE 1 COD Q4 / 2027

625 MWdc / 500MWac Solar PV

500 MW / 6,000 MWh BESS

100 MWdc Electrolyzer 

Close-In NH3 and NG Pipelines < 1mi

Water Rights Secured

Potential Industrial Off-takers Nearby

Data Center Option

Additional Phase 2 Planned

Project C

Navajo County, Iowa

PHASE 1 COD Q4 / 2027

34.25 MWdc / 30.0 MWac Solar PV

30 MW / (up to) 3,600 MWh BESS

APS Territory

labeled map

Fractal Advisory | https://www.energystorageconsultants.com/