Simon Hackett Calls to Measure the Lifetime Environmental Cost of 'Green' Energy Storage Systems

Redflow technology evangelist Simon Hackett has published his keynote speech from last week's Australian Energy Storage conference (AES 2018) on his website. 

Redflow Limited, a publicly-listed Australian company (ASX: RFX), produces small 10kWh zinc-bromine flow batteries that tolerate daily hard work in harsh conditions. Marketed as ZCell and ZBM2, Redflow batteries are designed for high cycle-rate, long time-base stationary energy storage applications in the residential, commercial & industrial and telecommunications sectors, and are scalable from a single battery installation through to grid-scale deployments. 
Redflow batteries are sold, installed and maintained by an international network of energy system integrators.

Redflow's smart, self-protecting batteries offer unique advantages including secure remote management, 100 per cent daily depth of discharge, tolerance of high ambient temperatures, a simple recycling path, no propensity for thermal runaway and sustained energy delivery throughout their operating life.

In this synchronised audio recording and PowerPoint deck, Simon poses the question: Will a future grid with large amounts of renewable energy storage necessarily use lithium-ion or other conventional battery systems for most of that large scale energy storage - or are there better ways?

Simon's presentation examines the role of flow batteries and other energy storage technologies in using renewable energy to build this future energy grid in which "baseload" power generation is on the wane. Simon specifically addresses the need to identify the lifetime environmental impact of 'environmentally friendly' energy generation and storage as distinct from just its up-front cost.

Click here to listen to and view Simon's presentation 

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