Turbine-mounted Lidar

Wind Iris is a turbine-mounted Lidar that measures horizontal wind speed and direction at multiple distances, out to 400 meters in front of a wind turbine. It provides the same level of accuracy as a Class 1A anemometer, the standard for performance optimization of a wind turbine. The Wind Iris can measure wind turbine power curves without a met mast and detect turbine yaw errors and underperformance, enabling users to maximize the energy production of their wind turbines. Installing safely and easily in half a day, its rugged design has no moving parts, which allows for exceptional reliability. Users can rapidly optimize several wind turbines with one unit through repeated installations. By detecting and correcting underperformances, the Wind Iris helps users gain a quick return on investment on a wind farm scale. New to the North American market, Wind Iris is designed and manufactured by Avent, a collaboration between NRG Systems and Leosphere.

NRG Systems

Volume: July/August 2013